McNutt Ongoing Support in the Pocket

September means our team and community is working to collect clothing in partnership with @noteinthepocket. Donations can be dropped off at either location.

Today, we took our workday out of the office! We were able to spend the morning at Note in the Pocket helping them sort through the amazing amount of donations they receive from the community for the families that they serve. This is an amazing organization, and if you have not heard of it, check it out through the link below. We are working hard to get an event with them started in Johnston County and will keep you updated!

McNutt Ongoing Support in the Pocket McNutt Ongoing Support in the Pocket McNutt Ongoing Support in the Pocket McNutt Ongoing Support in the Pocket McNutt Ongoing Support in the Pocket McNutt Ongoing Support in the Pocket McNutt Ongoing Support in the Pocket McNutt Ongoing Support in the Pocket McNutt Ongoing Support in the Pocket McNutt Ongoing Support in the Pocket McNutt Ongoing Support in the Pocket McNutt Ongoing Support in the Pocket